Source code for plotcat.plotcat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from matplotlib import pylab
import random

[docs]class plotter: """plotter initiates a matplotlib plot. This plot is used to plot the serial input. :param number_of_samples: number of samples to be plotted. :param total_plots: total number of plots on figure. :param rows: total number of rows of plots on a figure. :param cols: total number of columns of plots on a figure. :param y_low_lim: lower limit of y-axis. :param y_high_lim: higher limit of y-axis. :param plot_lines: total number of lines to be plotted on each plot. :type number_of_samples: list of integers. :type total_plots: integer :type rows: integer :type cols: intefer :type y_low_lim: list of integers. :type y_high_lim: list of integers. :type plot_lines: list of integers """ def __init__(self, number_of_samples=100, total_plots=1, rows=1, cols=1, y_low_lim=0, y_high_lim=1024, plot_lines=1, names='serial-graph', time_interval=10, figure=1): """initializes the figure with the specified number of subplots """ self.fig = pylab.figure(figure) self.currentAxis = [] self.plots = [] self.lines = [] if (type(number_of_samples) == int): NOS_val = number_of_samples number_of_samples = [NOS_val for i in range(total_plots)] elif type(number_of_samples) == list and not len(number_of_samples) == total_plots: raise ValueError("lenght of list number_of_samples must be equal to total number of plots") else: pass if type(names) == str: name_val = names names = [name_val for i in range(total_plots)] elif type(names) == list and not len(names) == total_plots: raise ValueError("lenght of list of names must be equal to total number of plots") else: pass if (type(y_low_lim) == int): y_low_lim_val = y_low_lim y_low_lim = [y_low_lim_val for i in range(total_plots)] elif type(y_low_lim) == list and not len(y_low_lim) == total_plots: raise ValueError("lenght of list y_low_lim must be equal to total number of plots") else: pass if (type(y_high_lim) == int): y_high_lim_val = y_high_lim y_high_lim = [y_high_lim_val for i in range(total_plots)] elif type(y_high_lim) == list and not len(y_high_lim) == total_plots: raise ValueError("lenght of list y_high_lim must be equal to total number of plots") else: pass if (type(plot_lines) == int): plot_lines_val = plot_lines plot_lines = [plot_lines_val for i in range(total_plots)] elif type(plot_lines) == list and not len(plot_lines) == total_plots: raise ValueError("lenght of list y_high_lim must be equal to total number of plots") else: pass for i in range(total_plots): self.currentAxis.append(range(0, number_of_samples[i])) count = 1 for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): new_plot = self.fig.add_subplot(((rows * 100) + (cols * 10) + count)) for k in range(plot_lines[count-1]): samples = number_of_samples[count -1] new_line = new_plot.plot(self.currentAxis[count-1], [random.randint(y_low_lim[count-1], y_high_lim[count-1]) for i in range(0, samples)]) self.lines.append(new_line) pylab.title(names[count-1]) self.plots.append(new_plot) if count == total_plots: break count += 1 self.manager = pylab.get_current_fig_manager() self.timer = self.fig.canvas.new_timer(interval=time_interval)
[docs] def set_call_back(self, func): """sets callback function for updating the plot. in the callback function implement the logic of reading of serial input also the further processing of the signal if necessary has to be done in this callbak function.""" self.timer.add_callback(func) self.timer.start()
[docs] def plot_self(self, func): """define your callback function with the decorator @plotter.plot_self. in the callback function set the data of lines in the plot using self.lines[i][j].set_data(your data)""" def func_wrapper(): func() try: self.manager.canvas.draw() except ValueError as ve: print(ve) pass except RuntimeError as RtE: print(RtE) pass except Exception as e: print(e) pass return func_wrapper
[docs] @staticmethod def show(): """ This is a static method. After instantiating plotter this method shows the matplotlib figure on the screen. """